Wednesday 17 December 2014

Year 11 - Session Plans

By the end of the lesson you should have completed your coaching session plans and published them. Please make sure that you have included the following:

  • Equipment needed
  • Adequate warm up
  • Main session that includes 2 drills for 1 skill
  • Conditioned game to conclude

You must also include the following in your plan:

  • Organisational notes (how many in a group/work in pairs)
  • Descriptions of the drills
  • Relevant coaching points for the skills you are teaching
  • YouTube videos of your drills embedded on your blog
  • Pictures that illustrate correct technique of the skills

Monday 1 December 2014

Unit 6: Leading Sports Activities

In this unit you must plan a coaching session, deliver it, and then review the session based on the initial planning and your leadership of it. Today I would like you to begin planning this session and consider the following in your planning:
  • Sport - Football/Netball
  • Year - 7 or 8
  • Time - 30mins
  • Size - 10 pupils

You should plan your session on blogger and use the following headings as a guide:

Equipment - Write down all of the pieces of equipment you will require for your session

Warm Up - Choose a pulse raising activity, stretches and sport related activity

Main Session - Choose one skill to focus on and plan 2 drills to improve that skill. You first drill should be easier than the second so that the pupils can make progress

Game Situation - You should condition the game so that it allows students to practise the skill learnt in the lesson. For instance, a passing session may end with a conditioned game whereby each player is only allowed 2 touches as this will encourage more passing in the game.