Monday 30 March 2015

Leading a Sports Activity - Assignment 1

Nobody has completed this task yet. If you have finished your work for the moderation of the previous 2 units, you should now do this:

You are working in a small, but developing, coaching company. You have contacted a local newspaper to discuss how to develop interest in volunteering in sports leadership. The editor has asked you to write an article that explores the requirements of becoming a successful sports leader, using examples of successful sports leaders to demonstrate attributes and responsibilities required.

What it takes to be a sports leader:
Carry out research into successful sports leaders using textbooks, the internet and journals. You may also consider sports leaders who have led sporting events that you have taken part in and/or sports leaders who coach professional or national sports teams.

Prepare an article for the newspaper about the attributes and responsibilities of sports leaders.

Within the feature you should compare and contrast the attributes of two successful sports leaders.  

To help you, below are the responsibilities and attributes you need to apply to the sports leaders that you use:

● Skills (communication, organisation of equipment, knowledge)
● Advanced skills (activity structure, target setting, use of language, evaluation)
● Qualities (appearance, enthusiasm, confidence)
● Additional qualities (leadership style, motivation, humour, personality).

● Core responsibilities (professional conduct, health and safety, equality)
● Wider responsibilities (insurance, child protection, legal obligations, ethics and
values, rules and regulations).

All of the information that you need for the different attributes and responsibilities can be found on this link:

Try to give examples of how the sports leaders you have selected, demonstrate the different attributes and responsibilities.

Practical Portfolio Moderation

Five of you will receive an email to become an author of my blog. Once you have accepted, you must do the following:

Create 3 posts called:

  • Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 1
  • Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 2
  • Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 3
You should copy and pasted the entire HTML content from your posts to the appropriate post on my blog. You must use the HTML code so that everything remains the same.

Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 1
The rules, regulations, scoring systems of Volleyball and Football. The role of the officials in the 2 sports. Applying the rules in volleyball and football to 4 scenarios.

Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 2
The skills, techniques and tactics required for Volleyball and Football. You should have videos of you performing various skills with a video of the perfect model underneath. You should identify strengths and areas for improvement from the videos.

Your Name - Unit 2 Assignment 1
In this post you should post your observation checklists that you have completed.

The observation  checklist for each sport should:
-       include all the technical demands of both sports (skills)
-       have a clear format, which is easy to use (If you use a grading system, you should provide criteria which is to be used to assess performance.)
-       include all the tactical demands of both sports.

a)    You should then use these checklists to assess and evaluate your own performance in the two chosen sports.

Produce a written summary of your performance to sit alongside your checklists.  

Make sure you consider all of your strengths, explaining why you think they are either a strength or an area for improvement within each sport. 

Monday 16 March 2015

Practical Portfolio Work

I will give individual feedback to people with the changes and additions they need to make. Before I do that, however, everybody needs to do the following:

In the Rules, Regulations and Scoring Systems post you must:
Describe the roles and responsibilities of each official (eg. the referee, assistant-referees and the fourth official). You must explain what their role is and what they must do during the game. You may wish to find hand signals that they use and post the photos on your blog.

Secondly (for MERIT) you should try to suggest ideas on how the rules could be changed to improve the game. Recent goal line technology has improved football. You could talk about this and add your own ideas

Finally, you should now try to compare the roles of the officials between the two sports (volleyball and football). What are their similarities? How do they differ?

In the Skills, Techniques and Tactics post you must:
You should describe the tactical demands for your chosen sport. This could include different formations that could affect a game or a particular strategy that a team might employ to become more attacking or defensive and when they would change this during a game.

In the Observational Checklists post you must: 

a)    Select two sports that you play regularly. Develop an observation checklist for each sport. The observation checklist for each sport should:
  •  include all the technical demands of both sports (skills)
  •  have a clear format, which is easy to use (If you use a grading system, you should provide criteria which is to be used to assess performance.)
  •  include all the tactical demands of both sports.

b)    You should then use these checklists to assess and evaluate your own performance in the two chosen sports.

 To help you do this, the Head of PE has suggested that you record your performance demonstrating the skills, techniques and tactics in each sport and use the observation checklist to assess your own performance.

 Produce a written summary of your performance to sit alongside your checklists. 

 Make sure you consider all of your strengths, explaining why you think they are either a strength or an area for improvement within each sport.

 You should remember to make recommendations on how the improvements identified could be made, for example, goal setting, training courses, use of technology, support and guidance from your coach/teacher etc for each sport.

 For every recommendation made, you should justify why you think this would help improve your performance in the future.