You can use your maximum heart rate (MHR) to calculate how hard you should work your heart to develop either aerobic or anaerobic fitness.
To calculate MHR:
- 220 - age = MHR
Aerobic fitness is another way of describing cardiovascular fitness, or stamina. You can improve aerobic fitness by working in your aerobic target zone. This is found between 60-85% of your MHR. You cross your aerobic threshold, the heart rate above which you gain aerobic fitness, at 60% of our MHR.
You can improve your anaerobic fitness, which includes strength and power, by working in your anaerobic target zone. This is found between 80-100% of your MHR. Anaerobic threshold is the heart rate above which you gain anaerobic fitness. You cross your anaerobic threshold at 80% of your MHR.
Below 60% MHR you do not improve your aerobic or anaerobic fitness at all.
The graph below shows the different target zones and how they decrease with age:
Watch the video for a short tutorial on target zones:
Watch this video for another explanation. Note that the percentage of maximum heart rate varies in the second video:
Now work out your maximum heart rate and training zones for the different types of exercise. Don't worry, you can use this online calculator to work it out for you:
Post these details on your latest 'Target Zone' blog entry. Also, find a graph which shows the different target zones and embed it in your blog.
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